File Upload for Yard Signs

If you are uploading Print Ready Files please keep in mind the following recommendations:

  • Upload your files in full size. It is not required that you add bleed or cut-marks
  • Resolution:
    • If the original resolution of your graphics is high and good, you can save a version at 150dpi.
    • If you start from a low resolution image, such as most of those that you can grab from online images, increasing the resolution to 150dpi won't help to make it a sharper image. Your image will still be blurry.
    • Resolution might not be as critical because yard signs are looked at from a distance so imperfections are "hidden" in the open.
    • The best way to have a nice and sharp looking printis to start with VECTOR IMAGES AND COPY (from Illustrator as an example)
  • Front and Back Images: We prefer that you upload them separately 


Ready to create your product design?
To start, select the product size, preview the design guidelines, download the guidelines for reference, and proceed with the customization options.
Help template cannot be generated as one or both bleed sizes (height and width) are set to 0.
Bleed Line
Safe Line
