6-3/4" - Offering Envelopes - Tithe Envelopes (Custom Envelope Printing)
Church Offering Envelopes / Tithe Envelopes
This is an envelope typically used for donations.
Technically it is known as a #6.75 (six and three quarters) envelope and is frequently used to collect donations at religious organizations and donor-supported projects.
About a 6 3/4" envelope:
This envelope opens on the short side and has a side seam, by which it feels stronger than it is, thanks to the construction process. It si smaller than the typical #10 commercial envelope because the application for it is different.
Printing on this envelope:
Available printing colors: This envelope can be printed in black and white ink, or full color. No PMS colors. We'll print the closes CMYK version to that PMS color
Bleed: We can't print to bleed on this product. Your artwork should consider 1/4" of white border around the envelope. No text nor images can be made to reach the edges of the envelope.
This is usually an envelope that has been mailed inside a larger envelope or one that is provided at church.
There is usually just one side printed and the printing is a form. That form asks for the identification of the donor and indicates the amount of money that is being donated. The donation itself is inserted into the envelope which is subsequently sealed and hand-delivered.
Templates to print on the face of the envelope: ColorCopiesUSA offers a number of pre-created templates that can easily be customized on our website as you move along in the ordering process.
Dimensions of a 6-3/4 envelope:
Size: This envelope's size is 3-5/8" tall x 6-1/2" wide. The flap opening is on the "long" side of the envelope.
Inserts: You can insert checks, money and identification cards easily
Looking for Donations?
If you need your donors to mark checkboxes or provide personal information without the need to add inserted cards, remittance envelopes would be a good option for your need. The large flap becomes a sort of form and the spaces to fill in the blanks become available
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