America the Beautiful, 

Here's the Challenge for All of Us:

Let's Be Part of the Solution, Not the Pollution

We believe that it is upon us to improve our environment.

Pick up trash from beaches, parks and mountains


What's the Challenge About?

When you go to the beach, a park, outdoors or at the mountain, use one of the bags that we supply to collect and then remove the trash that you find around you.

It takes a bit of effort, but not too much. It is easy to do, comforting for our hearts, and we all reap the benefits of our action. We hope that you take this challenge deeply so that together, we will make a better place to have fun.

Take a picture during your challenge, share it with us and we'll post it and be proud of the difference that we make in our world.


Accidental pollution Vs engaged action

Out of the waste that is generated on a daily basis, all of us might have a role. It could be big, or small.

Accidentally dropping a plastic bottle or a plastic cap and being unable to recover it just happens..

A plastic trash bag might just fly out of control and right there we are part of the problem called pollution.

Plastic waste flies away and tends to "socialize" (for lack of a better word). Then, we find it all together. 

Plastics in the oceans are a known issue, but the same happens at our beaches, parks, mountains, and public spaces where we like to spend leisure time.


Our Solution? Let's do it together!

At ColorCopiesUSA we truly believe that there's something that is in our power to make things better. We are taking action by picking up trash, which is made out of plastics most of the time when we visit beaches, parks, or when we go to the mountains.

I know that a simple supermarket bag would be just fine for this purpose. We also know, that when we are part of a collective mission, the leverage of all of those participating takes us further down the road. 

Therefore, we are giving you with every order placed, a paper bag that we hope you use to collect trash.

Even if you are not a client, but feel compelled to participate in this challenge, stop by at our office and ask for a bag for this campaign.


Thanks for participating. and keeping our world a better place to be.


The team and management at

Heart of shared love