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Follow These Tips For Print-Ready Graphic Designs
What is this article about: Clients submit a large number of files every day. With their designs, they intend to make sales, promote events, invite community members to join events, and produce newsletters to name a few. Your design needs to look innovative, creative, and engaging to engage potential customers. These tips from Color Copies USA reflect what we think drives a unique, creative, and effective piece.
1 - Write Down Your Ideas
Great ideas are born almost unexpectedly. In the middle of the night, during a quick shower, rarely when you actually need them. What if your best ideas were captured and just by flipping pages in your notebook you could reconnect to them just at a glance?
Keep a notebook close to you at all times. We mean a real notebook, not an app. We think that it's easier to capture ideas with a pen and paper, and it's for sure, easier to recall them at a glance! By doing this, unearthing your creative project will be so much easier!
2 - Make Your Own Rules
In art classes, you'll be taught the principles that guided creativity in different historical periods. Michael Angelo broke the rules of his time. Go and break them now. Follow your inspired thoughts. Make your own rules. Find new ways to make your design pop.
But learn from your mistakes. Break the rules but make sure the design is solid. Don’t run a campaign until you are sure your innovations will actually work.
3 - Use Contrasting Colors
Use a color wheel. A color wheel is a circular diagram used to illustrate the relationships between colors. It typically contains the primary colors (red, blue, and yellow) evenly spaced around the wheel. By mixing these primary colors, you can create secondary colors (green, orange, and purple), which are located between the primaries.
The color wheel helps artists and designers understand color harmonies, complementary colors, and how different colors interact when combined or placed next to each other. It's a useful tool for creating visually appealing and balanced color schemes.
4 - Color Palette or Color Scheme
The color palette, meaning the specific colors that will be present in your creative piece, is critical as well. Research and marketing experiments have indicated that different colors trigger different reactions in individuals.
A set of colors has a psychological effect on us. The intensity of the color adds complexity to the message. A yellow room can make you feel anxious while blue might make you feel relaxed.
Greens are associated with nature, refreshing air, and tranquility. Red is usually associated with urgency and fear in our minds, therefore it is often used to stimulate a response. Some colors can trigger feelings of love and compassion, while others can trigger feelings of loneliness and sadness. The reaction to colors is not universal. Cultural factors play a significant role.
Take the time to read and understand Color Psychology. It will help you prevent avoidable mistakes.
Some other colors might have a correlation in our minds to luxury, out-of-the-ordinary, and extravagant. No words are necessary. Sometimes the colors speak for themselves.
"Psychology of Color"
"Color has a psychological effect in the way that we make decisions"
A combination of color, intensity and context can influence us.
The color palette and the psychological influence are not strictly related to whether you design in RGB or CMYK. It is true though that some color combinations work better on print while others on screen. Therefore we suggest that you build your color scheme in the color space where your project will be delivered. For print, choose CMYK. For web, RGB.
Almost all of our products give you access to a GRAPHIC DESIGN TOOL THAT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE TO USE graphic design tool where you are free to create your design. Click Here to go to the Color Copies page, then select "Create a Design Online From Scratch"
5 - Make It Easy To Read And Understand
Images, fonts, and colors competing for attention can be a recipe for disaster. Not everything has the same priority in a design.
Sometimes subtle fonts provide the mood, while other times it could be the power of a picture. Whenever text is on top of pictures, give priority to one or the other.
6 - Choose Your Vibe
The combination of color, shapes, and composition produces a mood, or a vibe. Even a static piece can suggest movement, push, or bring readers back to an ancient time in history. You are in command.
7 - Limit Your Fonts
The message is what glues your piece together. Words can be inspiring or daunting. Misuse of fonts can have the same effect. Maybe thinking about someone telling you about the piece helps you get a grasp on it, as long as you can follow and understand the narrator.
Changing fonts, sizes, and font-weight can feel like switching narrators in every paragraph, which makes comprehension way more difficult. It feels like bringing a different sound, intonation, and purpose.
8 - Put it Out to the World
Hopefully, you'll come up with the best version of what you truly want to share with the world. Of course, you'll get feedback along the way, but in essence, your piece will reflect what inspires you if you make it so.
To get your message out to the public, trust Color Copies USA for cheap color copies, brochures, flyers, banners, and more! Click here or give us a call at 877-421-0668 to get started.

Gustavo Baner
Date Published: 2020-03-01// Updated: 2023-11-01