Difference Between Uncoated Paper, Gloss Paper, Matte Paper and UV Coated Gloss

Gustavo Baner
Team ColorCopiesUSA.cominfo@colorcopiesusa.com
Date Published: 2020-03-01// Updated: 2020-07-29
Difference Between Uncoated Paper, Gloss Paper, Matte Paper and UV Gloss
The first thing you need to know about the difference between uncoated, gloss, matte and UV gloss is the quantity of coating they have.
Uncoated paper has no coating at all. This paper contains comes from cellulose fibers then converted into pulp and moulded into paper.
Coated Matte finishing has a thin layer of coating which is made matte through a mechanical process
Standard Gloss has a thicker layer of coating with a gloss finishing;
and UV Gloss has a layer of coating that gets applied after the printing process is completed.
General rule for coatings: Coating is a way to make paper stronger and resistant to wear.
Uncoated Paper
No coating in the surface, so there is no glare or shine.
It Works for text, reading material.
Using uncoated paper on printed pieces on which writing is necessary, (especially if a pencil is needed) is ideal.
Due to its porosity, it can be made smooth to a certain limit.
Matte Coating
Matte coating gives a little glare, still porous, but with constrast. Similar to uncoated, but help to protect the surface. Light rays reflect randomly and without producing spots in the surface.
Gloss Coating
It gives a shiny surface, more contrast and protection. It is a nice finishig and very professional.
UV Gloss Coating
UV coating is a liquid varnish that is applied on top of the printed piece. That liquid is spread homogeneously on the surface. The drying of that liquid is achieved thanks to the exposure to UV light.
A "film" will be formed on top of the piece and the finishing is very shiny.
What is the effect of UV varnish? Visual:The colors used for the printing pop up. They are strong and vivid.
Additional benfits: The varnish adds an additional layer of protection to the paper/coverstock used in the piece
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