Bleed Printing - Edge to Edge Printing Infographic
This image will increase your level of understanding about what Full Bleed, Bleed Printing and Trim Size mean. Read more after the inforaphics
We hope that this visual document makes it very clear for you to realize what is bleed, why full bleed requires larger-size paper. The document will provide a better understanding on where to cut the paper to get the trim size as required by your project.
Full Bleed printing creates endless opportunities in which to present your ideas in a much more innovative way.
The latest trends and uses of full bleed printing can be seen in everyday publications, such as New York Times magazine, weekly publications, art books and more.
Whatever the trim size of your project, the concepts shown in this infographic are valid. Business card bleed, brochure bleed, poster bleed, catalog and flyer bleed, they all need to be conceived in the same way.
Let us know of any questions that you might have. We might be able to help you set up the parameters in your graphic design tool so give us a call!
If you are struggling to get it right, call us. We'll try to help you!