9 x 12 Large Envelopes (Custom Envelope Printing)
Insert letter-size documents, secure in a flat and large 9"x12" (9 inches x 12 inches) envelope :
These large envelopes are ideal for inserting documents or objects that can't be bent or folded.
Suggested dimensions of the insert:
A 9"x12" envelope will hold letter-size inserts or smaller, depending on the thickness of them.
Sealing of the envelope:
A pre-glued folding flap will close the open side of the envelope. The glue will be activated with moisture.
Quick description of the 9"x12" envelopes:
Which side is open to receive the inserts?: You can order the envelopes with the opening in either side. If the opening is on the LONG side, it is known as a BOOKLET ENVELOPE.
If the open side is the SHORT one, the envelope is known as a CATALOG ENVELOPE
Documents to keep safe
Type of documents to enclose: There are so many documents that we must keep safe, or together. We can't lose a sheet, we can't mix them up, and we might only need to review this document a long time from now.
Contracts are multi-page documents that are typically saved for record and action. Keeping them in a 9"x12" envelope, without folding the documents to prevent deterioration, is the ideal thing to do.
Some other documents live in envelopes much safer of getting lost. At a trade show, when you receive all the catalogs and brochures in an envelope, it will be easy for the visitor to understand the big picture. An envelope does the trick!
Maybe you are mailing magazines and newsletters, price lists, thick stacks of paper. A 9"x12" envelope is extremely helpful. You might need to add a cardstock sheet to prevent the envelope for being folded during transportation, but it prevents you from using a larger box that is more expensive and more costly to ship.
As Steve Jobs once surprised us, you could even carry a tablet in it!!!!!
If you'd like to learn more about envelopes, this article in the Wikipedia website might be of your interests
Imprinting Colors: The imprinting colors can be single or full color
Size of order: ColorCopiesUSA will custom print from 25 envelopes onwards.
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