– Did you just say “Yard Signs”?
Yes I did! I fact I’ve been looking and talking about yard signs a lot lately. You know, it’s the election cycle that brings lots of those in front of your face…. everywhere….. but they are there all the time!
Why are business yard signs used all year round?
For just one simple reason. Yard signs drive people into taking action. Like it or not, all of us look at them when they are out there.
Don’t get me wrong; when there are 10 of those at a corner promoting 10 different candidates… forget it. That’s too much clutter.
But when used wisely, yard sign can make your business feel it.
When I say “your business will feel the effect of yard signs” I mean that even when you put out a yard sign to promote a garage sale or something like that, what’s behind that, is in reality some sort of business transaction that you expect to happen…..
What is a Yard Sign?
Yard signs are also known as lawn signs, bandit signs, placards or road signs. These are small advertising signs that, are placed on the lawn so that people or vehicles circulating will see the advertising pieces.

This year we’ve seen a tooonnnn of yard signs that express support for one or another of the political candidates running for office, judges running for benches and local representatives such as city councils.

What are Yard Signs made of?
Yard signs are made out a plastic material called coroplast,which is a plastic sheet that is hollow. Because of the constructive method, it is very strong. The plastic walls that links both faces of the board give to it an incredible mechanical resistance and strength.
The small pipes that are created in the sheet are usually called “flutes”. Since the yard signs are usually kept in place by inserting a metal H stake in the flutes, it is always important to understand if the sign that you need requires vertical or horizontal flutes

How do yard signs get printed?
There are three methods that are the most popular or maybe four if you will consider hand writing.
- Vinyl letters cut and adhered
- Printing on vinyl film in a poster-size-large- format printer and laminating it to the coroplast
- Directly printing on the coroplast on what’s called a “flat bed” printer.
Which are the Typical Sizes of Yard Signs?
The most popular sizes are 18″x24″ and 12″x18″
During the political periods, you can see larger signs made out of coroplast. In those examples, the sign company will build a custom wood structure and the coroplast will get stapled or screwed to it.
“Shapes or business yard signs”
These are usually rectangular, although they can be made in any custom shape, thanks to the use of sophisticated router cutters.
We look forward to hearing your comments!
Till next time!