Memorial Day. A day to remember, honor and mourn

This is the day when we honor and mourn the military personnel who have died in the performance of their military duties while serving in the Armed Forces. This year it is celebrated on May 31st, 2021 in the US

Memorial Day. Remember and Honor
Memorial Day 2021. Let’s remember and honor those who gave it all

Before 1970, this solemn day was observed on May 30th, but since then we observe it on the last Monday of the month of May.

Many of you might be visiting cemeteries and remembering those who served.

Others will be thankful to those who served and helped keep , send love to their families and unofficially celebrate the start of the summer season, which I am sure we are all looking forward to.

Barbara Maranzani, in an article in tells about 8 things that you might not know about Memorial Day.
I’d like to share the highlights:

1 – The first commemorative Memorial Day events were only held in the 19th century, but the practice of honoring those who have fallen goes back in time to the ancient Greeks.

2 – It was General John Logan, commander in chief of the Union veterans’ group known as the Grand Army of the Republic, who issued a decree indicating that May 30 should become a nationwide day of commemoration for the over 620,000 soldiers killed in the Civil War. Logan suggested to lay flowers and decorate graves.

3 – Only in 1971 it became a Federal Holiday

4 – For the first 50 years, the commemoration was limited to the Civil War dead. Only after the 1st World War, the commemoration was extended to all of those killed in wars.

5 – Did you know that there’s a Uniform Monday Holiday Act that went into law in 1968?

6 – The name of Memorial Day started being used in the 1880s, but at the time the holiday was officially known as “Decoration Day”

7 –  It’s unclear which town was the first one to recognize the day but President Lyndon Johnson signed legislation declaring the tiny upstate village of Waterloo, New York, as the official birthplace

8 – There’s a tradition of wearing a red poppy on Memorial Day, that began with a World War I Poem

9 – On Memorial day, the American flag should be hung at half-staff until noon, then raised to the top.

10 – All Americans are encouraged to pause for a National Moment of Remembrance at 3 p.m local time for a minute of silence.

Why Are Color Copies So Expensive? 

How Can You Get Affordable Online Printing ( And Cheap Color Copies ) by Understanding the Variables Involved in Pricing.

The question of how expensive color copies are, frequently comes up in small business entrepreneur and marketing meetings, in board meetings, and in budget planning discussions. And it’s not just about copies!  everyone from entrepreneurs to C – Level executives wonders about the high perceived cost of brochures, collateral, catalogs, and how they can get cheaper copies!

There are several ways to look at this question of cost and expenses of color printing and printing in general.  

Antagonistic View:  We’ll try to understand why there are two antagonistic views of the same reality!

 There are always two sides of a coin, and to validate or reject the statement in our title, we have to look at both sides of it.

Print Users – Print Buyers

 Print Users! On one side we have the print-users, who need their printed materials for their marketing campaigns, or simply to operate their business.

Graph representing a positive evolution of an organization | Why Are Color Copies So Expensive
Print users are concerned about growth, sales, marketing

Print users expect quality in their printed pieces, color ink matching, consistency in full-color runs, the use of the right paper, no see-through in double-sided printing, proper folding, and many other requirements.

This is the group that will grow the business, develop new business models and push forward. Print users care about overall growth and achievements.

Print buyers look at aspects related to cost, operations and efficiency

Print Buyers! On the other side we find the print buyer, who is usually part of a team working both in the digital and print worlds!  At every organization there is someone whose job is, formally or informally, to act as a print buyer and has to ensure on-time delivery of color printing needs, overall print quality, deal with customer service departments that can make things happen, and make sure that there is compliance to a set of specifications, follow policies, get approvals and more. It is a tough job!

Print buyers are concerned about multiple factors
Print buyers are looking at different aspects in the operations, which include budget, reliability and profit for the organization

According to surveys done by NAPCO, a media news organization specialized in the printing market, print providers that make it easier for print customers to order jobs, monitor work status, control branding and better manage spending are preferred. Web to print portals and gaining access to private corporate portals can make a difference in the print buyer’s task.

Buyers deal with the printing companies, their production team, decide which printing services are needed, which printing presses are required, control printing costs, make sure that jobs are printed with the right ink color, with the proper technology, and at a proper price. Very often, they think of that price as the lowest price ever. Buyers usually have the perspective of “expenses” when dealing with vendors.

There’s always this conflict in the way in which the need to use printed materials is seen by one or another person depending on which  ‘side of the coin’ they are on.

Print buyers and print users have different goals in their minds, which sometimes collide.

An antagonistic view of the need for printed materials
Both groups, print buyers and print users, have a different view about how things should be done, so it is frequent to have some opposed views and some internal conflicts

Want to understand the costs involved in the printing business? These are the drivers of cost in printing jobs:

Here are the basic factors that are involved in color copy pricing:

The main areas of concern for a commercial printing company are:

  • Building a stable and well-trained team
  • Work methodology and solid operations
  • Prepress software and techs to deal with job preparation
  • Production equipment including presses, cutters, folders, finishing equipment
  • Hundreds of raw materials, supplies, inks, toners, varnishes, parts
  • Quality assurance and quality control team
  • Logistics to make everything happen at the right time.

As in every industry, it is in the details where better products and services are born. Being detail-oriented as we are at ColorCopiesUSA adds cost to the operation.

You might think that a sheet of paper with ink on top can’t be that difficult to produce nor that it would be expensive!

How is it that is the online printing vendor that satisfies the needs of both print buyers and sellers? 

 ColorCopiesUSA has worked hard to develop our ‘5 Factor Formula for Online Printing Success’:  

  1. Quality
  2. Affordability
  3. Open communication
  4. Best in class technology
  5. State-of-the-art website platform – with the “don’t make me think”  web platform concept, that allows our clients to place orders, design, repeat orders, and even get a private corporate store filled with the items that your organization needs.

Having mastered in every area required by printing operations, makes us uniquely positioned to be the online printing, copying and sign provider that satisfies the needs and requirements of both print buyers and print users throughout the United States and around the world. 

Having built strategic relations with vendors, equipment manufacturers and with strong implementation of technology to support our operations, is the printing company that provides the highest level of service at the lowest cost for the company.

We make our clients’ lives easier. As a print buyer, we take off your shoulders most of the reasons for you to be concerned, and for the print user, the comfort and trust that their needs will be met in a timely manner, which will allow them to grow their business.

In conclusion, the expense of color copies depends on your viewpoint and perspective as a buyer or seller of color copies. There are a number of factors that impact the cost from the cost of paper and raw materials to logistics to technology and employee training. All play a part in determining whether you can get cheap color copies or not!

Looking for affordable color copies for your company?

Start a conversation so that we can understand what your main concerns are, and we’ll be able to explain how our different production skills and technologies, as well as our online presence can help you free resources in your organization.

COVID-19: Emergency Management Team in South Florida Available 24/7

COVID-19 – A Story about One of the Teams that Keeps Testing Facilities in South Florida Running

The story that we want to share with you today has to do with Covid-19, the impact in our community and how so many people shine during this tough time.

It is concerning how deeply our state has been affected by the virus. It is uplifting to see how people, working for organizations in the state are making a difference in what is happening within our community.

Covid-19 testing in South Florida is crucial to bring back the state to a healthy status and to help people make the right decisions.

In the State of Florida, we have “The Florida Emergency Management Team” which is keeping soooo many testing facilities open so provide testing and to report back to the citizens.

Their work keeps the critical testing services operational and we believe that the service is free.

Picture of an Emergency Team Member working non-stop, Printing Testing Flyers
The Florida Emergency Management Team works tirelessly to keep testing locations active and ready to serve the community.

Our company, has been doing print work for the State of Florida’s Emergency Management Team. We have printed flyers and documentation that are used at the testing locations in South Florida.

The documents that we have worked on contain important information for the public, such as instructions as of how to handle a positive Covid test and how to take precautions to prevent further transmission of the virus.

picture of documents used at testing facilities in South Florida
Picture of some of the documents printed at, used by the Emergency Team to inform the public about the testing process

By doing Covid printing  for the team, we know that we are helping, at least a little bit, to make a difference in the state of health around us.

The team members are really doing the magic. The testing facilities are operating in an organized way. That is not happening by chance, but because there are loving individuals 100% committed  to doing what is needed.

The individuals who we have contact with seem to be available all day to accomplish their task. Their work is humbling. The team members are on top of what they need. You can feel and sense that they are trying to keep the emergency services available and not be overwhelmed.

And they are concerned, worried about the health care that the population needs.

With many challenges, they are still operating at full throttle. These guys are sharp, stay on  top of what they need and ready to serve, either during weekdays or weekends, day or night..

It is an honor for us to be supplying printed documents to help the community heal at this time.

Learn more about the great work of the Florida State Emergency Response Team

If your organization needs to reorganize your operations, which might involve redesigning documents, doing covid-printing to make your workplace safer, to communicate with your team or your clients, can help you by providing  covid posters, floor decals for social distancing, brochure printing, feather flags and an array of advertising products.

Stay safe and help our health care workers help us. They are the heroes.

For any inquiries, please call us at 1-877-421-0668

The Coronavirus world makes customer relationships tougher. It is time to build strengthen the links

The Coronavirus World Makes Customer Relationships Tougher.

The image shows expressions of approval that you hope your clients think about you.  |  The Coronavirus World Makes Customer Relationships Tougher.
Will your clients love you? Would they recommend you?

Is there anything that you could do to improve your current situation?

Our world has been upended almost overnight. Some business owners and customer support teams might not even have a clear understanding of what their clients need right now.

If you are a business owner, you might find it difficult to assess the actions that will serve both your company and the business community at large.

Small businesses owners and their core employees are most likely fearful. Your organization has worked hard to bring the company to whichever level of success it has achieved. It could feel as if you were to lose it all.

How can you strengthen or maintain relationships with your clients when personal interaction has almost disappeared? How can you keep your organization relevant?

We have read an article published by the Harvard Business Review about the topic that we found pretty interesting and has inspired us to write about this topic. We will share some of the article’s recommendations for customer relationships success.

How can you support your client base and reassure your long term commitment to the relationship?

Strengthening the bond and collaboration is the key. If we could imagine a strong vendor-client relationship as links connected in a chain, the following cues will be helpful.

picture of a chain with links interconnected representing strong bond with clients | ColorCopiesUSA
Connect to your clients so that the links are strong

Build this First Link: Be vulnerable

Your company is no more than a representation of the individuals working in it. There are actually people paying attention to your client’s needs. Your clients want to know that your organization is compassionate and that you are having empathy towards them. When your loyal customers can feel a sense of humanity and understanding coming from your end, one of the links that holds the relationship becomes stronger.

Build this Second Link: Be open about what is changing and how

Covid makes it difficult both for your organization and for your clients to maintain a “normal” operation. Procedures might change. It might be difficult to tap into the resources that are usually available.

Be open about what you consider to be new opportunities, and about your restrictions that you are experiencing as well. Inform about changes in hours and customer service availability. Understand what your client’s restrictions are. What keeps them awake at night under current circumstances. What is affecting their bottom line and how sharing information could help both parties. An open dialog will build customer loyalty for a long time to come.

Be proactive, open and clear.

Your second link is becoming solid.

Build this Third Link: Your company is there for the long term

Reassure your clients that your company and your team will be there for them. Your company will likely continue to provide the goods or services that link you together.

As soon as your clients feel and believe that they can count on you, that your support is for real, they can free some of their own resources and focus their energy into other priorities.

That is the moment in which you have secured another link.

Build this Fourth Link: Be extra-creative by a large margin.

There is a saying that reminds us that some of the brightest and most innovative ideas came to live in times of upheaval and chaos,

Likewise your organization has the potential to outdo itself and its competition. Unleash the creativity of your team and make it a way-of-life for your organization in times to come. Not only your clients will be delighted, but the inner strength and resilience of your company will place it a few steps ahead.

When your clients see that talent in action, you are then securing another link in the relationship for a long time to come.

Sunny Days During the Stormy Season

Nobody can predict at this time what will happen in the near future and what the long time effect of this crisis is. It is still unknown to all of us. Even the scientific community is uncertain. Whatever the outcome is, with your links more solid than ever, new opportunities will uncover themselves and.become part of your upcoming road.

At our organization, we have been supported by some of our vendors. In turn, we have supported our clients, checked with them and became available. Because we have established personal relationships with so many of our clients they knew that they could count on us and we counted on them.

We have seen how some of our clients have shared their growth plans with us and started to execute those plans. One of our clients saw an opportunity to expand its property management and developed a new entire business. Another client in the restaurant business retooled its operation to adapt his restaurant to better serve the community.  Our company has been blessed by clients that have allowed us to be part of their needs during this time. has been open for service while many of our competitors were not. Buyers would call and ask with concern “Are you still open?”. Our answer was always that we were there to support them.

Some vendors decided to protect themselves against risk, but others have helped us to develop a new line of canvas products that is close to release in a sustained level of cooperation that is remarkable.

Strengthen the links as much as you can and hopefully once this period is over, we’ll be stronger than before.

How to make a tri fold brochure or a pamphlet that works

Brochures VS Pamphlets

Can these two forms of documents be compared to two rivals in a match? Let’s find out!

So before we even get into the making of a brochure, let’s answer the following question:

“What is the difference between brochures and pamphlets?”

Pamphlets VS Brochures. Visuals of both, Brochure
Pamphlets VS Brochures. Visuals of both

What is a Pamphlet?

There are different definitions and some will describe a pamphlet as a small booklet usually unbound, while others present it as a leaflet. Whichever the shape, they contain information about a single topic or subject.

If you are curious about the origin of the the word, it comes from “Pamphilet”, a Latin love poem popular in the 12th century. Only after the invention of the printing press, those loosely bound booklets that were printed, were called pamphlets, very popular in Europe, while the Reform was taking place. In time, some pamphlets became the way to express ideology in political movements.

Nowadays the use of pamphlets is for informational purposes. They could be a single page, of a number of sheets stapled together, or even printed on both sides and folded.

Pamphlets can be as long as a single page, to as many as 48 pages.

What do pamphlets say? Pamphlets introduce you or your company, your products, services and anything that you know that makes you stand out from your competitor.

Tone of the document: The style in them is persuasive, Informal, focused and consistent.

The importance of this document relies on the content, not on the artistic edge of the piece.

What is a Brochure?

Brochures are informative documents. There is usually care in the aesthetics of the document and they look beautiful, well crafted and very nice visual design. Brochures present information about a company or an artist, detail the products or services that hey make available.

What do brochures say? They give voice to your story. Brochures promote your services, your skills and are designed to generate business.

How do brochures build trust? When sharing accurate information that connects to the needs of your audience, almost like magically, trust builds between clients and businesses.

What do brochures look like? Sometimes the document is just a single letter-sheet, delicately printed and tri-folded which provides 6 viewing panels, or folded in half generating 4 panels. On other occasions, a when a double-parallel folding is applied to the document, 8 panels become available that allow for a more organized distribution of the content.

Size of brochures: The typical size is a letter size, but custom sizes, square shapes and tabloid layouts are common as well.

Which paper is suggested for brochures? When you are promoting your business, you want the brochure to represent you in a memorable way. That document that you handed to a prospect might be all that the prospect remembers about you. A memorable document is usually printed on thicker glossy stock, such as 100# gloss text. Using a cover stock is an awesome way to distinguish your document even more.

How to plan the design of a brochure: The first step is to make your notes and determine the scope of information to share. Our culture and habits have made us more visual than readers so plan on balancing the content accordingly. Laying the information onto the document by means of software such as Word, or InDesign, or Illustrator will allow you to present your ideas in the ideal

These two print marketing materials seem very similar after you lay out their definitions. The

most important difference is the subject matter. Pamphlets are used for non-commercial promotion, while brochures are used to advertise products and services. Brochures also typically have more pages and images. Pamphlets can have multiple pages, but are generally contain fewer pages and more words than images to inform the reader. However, these two are used interchangeably or together depending on your marketing needs.

You got them: How do you distribute pamphlets or brochures?

There are several methods to distribute brochures or pamphlets and individuals or companies use.

The traditional way is to hand them to interested individuals. Distribution in streets, stores, events, business meetings and trade shows are just some of the places where a person-to-person interaction drives connection and interest into what you have to offer.

Corporate brochures can be mailed. Pamphlets could be as well, but they are usually not.

Where can I have pamphlets and brochures printed? offers printing and design services of unmatched quality and at much lower prices than most of the other printing companies. Because ours is a family-owned company, we care sincerely about you, your project and your success.

Connect with us! You are welcome to call us at 1-877-421-0668 or place an order in our this link to go to our product-specific page, where you will receive instant pricing, visual proofs of your files if you upload them and certainty in the production schedule.


Marketing Ideas Sure to Help Your Business Make More ‘Green’ This St. Patrick’s Day!

Dropkick-Murphys | Marketing Ideas For St. Patricks Day | St Pattys Menus | Printing You don’t have to kiss the Blarney Stone to be Irish this St. Patrick’s Day. But you do have to come up with fresh marketing ideas if you want to see more green by getting more customers to your St. Patty’s Day event, pub or sale. Here are some fresh marketing tips for St. Patrick’s Day to help your business.

According to statistics, more than 33 million people celebrate St. Patrick’s Day each year. With beer sales representing a 152% uptick on that day alone, it’s no wonder estimates put the holiday spend at over $5.6 billion in 2018 in the USA alone.

This adds up to an average expenditure of over $40 per a typical partygoer. So if you run a Irish pub, bar or restaurant, and want to make sure you take in a bit of that ‘cabbage’, read on for creative March 17 marketing ideas for your business.

March 17th also creates an opportunity for other types of businesses to be a part of the celebratory events, providing a great source of revenue generation but also bringing good will to your customer base. Everyone is Irish for the day so from realtors to jewelry stores to clothing outlets, be sure to associate your business with all the fun, camaraderie and good spirit by somehow relating your brand to St. Patrick’s Day.

Speaking of clothing sales, the parties, parades, and celebrations that are thrown for St. Patty’s Day each year, 82.5 percent of attendees decide to wear green. Did you know that someone not wearing green on St. Patrick’s day is subject to pinching?  Others will often decide to carry green or shamrock themed memorabilia to honor Ireland, the very country of St. Patrick. Printing shamrocks on any of your marketing materials is sure to get them more attention this time of year.

To make sure that your business is lucky this St. Patrick’s Day, here are some more terrific St. Patrick’s print marketing tips:

  1. Throw a St. Patrick’s Day Concert at Your Irish Pub

If you are lucky enough to have an Irish pub or bar and restaurant, putting together a St. Patty’s Day Event is probably second nature, but here are some ideas that might help you leave your customers with long-lasting and positive memories.

Create a special St Patrick’s Day menu featuring the recipes you are best known for ( and maybe some new ones!) Irish stew with homemade Irish soda bread, beef stew with carrots, onions and potatoes and of course, you’ve got to feature corn beef and cabbage on the menu!

Put up a big vinyl banner promoting the big day, and pop up banners or smaller vinyl banners pitching your beer specials. ( Try orange and green Jello shots for a crowd pleasing change up!).

You don’t have to go all the way and spend a leprechaun’s weight in gold to make your event a smash. Instead, keep it simple by inviting local, passionate artists and performers. Many fiddle players, tin whistle players, guitarists, harp players and singers are anxious to share their favorite Irish ditties and sing-a-longs with the willing crowd of revelers.

Remember, your business can also simply sponsor such an event and be a part of the celebrations without doing the heavy lifting. You’ll just need a vinyl banner in that case.

Once again, pamphlets, flyers, and t-shirts could serve as great branding merchandise. Make sure to spend some amount there for ample exposure. Linking to and from the event site can draw additional traffic to your website before, during and after the event!

And don’t forget to serve up the best Guinness you can find ( try dyeing your pilsner draught green! ).


  1. Have a St. Patty’s Day Sale

Do we really need a reason to give a gift to a loved one?  Not really… and an astute business owner can certainly capitalize on that on this holiday like they can any other holiday! For instance, jewelry stores can promote emerald rings, pendants, earrings or more with St. Pattys Day sales flyers and signage. Car dealers?  How about feather banner signs and outdoor banners offering deeper discounts on green colored cars already on the showroom floor? Liquor stores…well, the sky is the limit there. Clothing boutique? Try creating a pop up banner with special pricing for all shades of green attire.  And while you have the customers onsite at any of these retail outlets, serve some green beverages and snacks to keep it fun.

  1. Plan and Host a Irish Festival

Consider having a Fèis, a traditional Gaelic arts and culture festival. A Fèis is also the moniker given to Irish step dancing competitions.

Irish step dancing is a fun and crowd pleasing way to uphold the spirit of St. Patty’s Day. Google search for Irish step dancing in your town and you’re sure to find a club or school group that would be happy to perform. Print some invitations up to your ‘Fèis’ and you’re sure to get more attendees.

Like concerts, these events can take some work as well. But when they are put together well, you get to have passionate guests and long term customers who will remember your special and unique brand. They will remember that you made the extra effort and that you were there to celebrate.

Sponsorship and branding would of course once again be at play. Whether you are arranging the event yourself or simply participating as a sponsor, ensure to use some nicely printed merchandise such as indoor posters, vinyl banners and signs to make the most out of the branding opportunity at hand. Linking to and from the event site can draw additional traffic to your website before, during and after the event!

Leverage This Branding Opportunity

If you are planning an Irish Day Concert, March 17th SALE event or St. Patty Step Dancing Festival, you’ll want to choose an online printing company such as Color Copies USA that has years of experience with event promotions.

Color Copies USA online printing specialists can take the heavy lifting of printing and merchandising off of your hands, so you can focus on your event planning and core business activities instead. Our team of ‘idea people’ are on hand to help you make sure your event is as ‘lucky’ as can be.

When it comes down to it, the key to having a successful St. Patrick’s Day event  is providing your customers with fun experiences while still enjoying the event yourself but taking in some extra ‘green’.

7 Vibey Valentine’s Day Promo Ideas for Your Small Business

7 Vibey Valentine’s Day Promo Ideas for Your Small Business

Valentine's Day
If you run a small business such as a flower shop, restaurant, jewelry store or candy store, you are probably ‘racking your brain’ thinking  of creative ways to enliven your advertising and promotions during upcoming Valentine’s Day on February 14.

Valentine’s day printing ideas such as invitations, menus, banners, pop ups, promo items are a terrific way to inspire your customers to love you more than they already do. Love is in the air, and here are 7 ‘hear-felt’ printing ideas to increase the pulse of your business during this lovely time of year!

Celebrate the Heart

Did you know February is Women’s Health Awareness Month? If your company’s target market is women, you may think about having an event or adding ‘Women’s Health Awareness’ on the promo material you print. Your event could be a partnership with a yoga instructor, weight loss meet up or clinic or an exercise class or fitness center.

Logo Promo Items

Hand out a heart themed logo promo item – Heart Stress Reliever ( squeezie toy ), heart shaped emery board, heart shaped pen or other clever idea. Customers will see that you love them, and be reminded of that all year long! We print these ad speciality items quickly.  The only limit is your imagination!

Pop-Up Banners

Create a POP-UP banner for outside your store – This is the way to GRAB attention from passers by and drivers going by your jewelry store, candy shop or flower shop!

If you have a flower shop, try creating heart shaped signage to draw attention to your sale on roses. If you have a candy store – have us print in-store signage for you to draw attention to specials.

Valentines Day candy printing, Valentine's Day

Invitations and Announcements

If you are having a get together with friends – whether it be an All Girls Valentine’s Party or a couples party, print those invitations and announcements online! You can even use post cards if they are well designed graphically.

Menu Specials for Lovers

If you have a restaurant and are planning a special Valentine’s Day menu, then you’ll want to print stylized valentine’s Day menus or at least create inserts with your special offerings for the evening. Color copies are printed FAST ( after all – we are Color Copies USA ) and can be inserted easily into your existing menu.

Valentine’s Day Postcards to Clients

Express your valentine’s day wishes to clients. You can use our design software to create colorful postcards and personalize them with text, photos or logos.

Hold a Last-Minute Sale

Men are famous for buying Valentine’s Day gifts at the last minute, so put up a vinyl banner or pop up ( retractable banner ) with your messaging. It’s never too late!

We hope our tips have sparked some ideas for Valentine’s Day printing promo for your business. If you are still ‘stuck’ and need inspiration, call our friendly online printing customer service team today at 877-421-0668. We’d be glad to help!

Clever 2024 Thanksgiving Sales Event Print Marketing Ideas

Brooks Brothers Thanksgiving Sale

For your 2024 Thanksgiving Sales Event, using a range of print materials can help you reach a broader audience. From posters to flyers and banners, printed materials are still highly effective in capturing attention and driving foot traffic. Color Copies USA, an online printing company, has been providing high-quality discount printing services globally since 2004, and we offer everything you need to execute a successful campaign.

Why Print Marketing Still Matters in 2024

Even though the world has gone digital, print marketing has retained its importance. For your 2024 Thanksgiving Sales Event, printed flyers, brochures, and direct mail pieces offer a tangible way to engage customers. These materials will help place your ad campaign directly into the consumers’ hands, a tactile experience that cannot be replicated digitally. Combining both print and online efforts can increase your reach, bringing your promotions into homes and businesses across the community.

Black Friday Stats for 2024

Black Friday Stats for 2024

Black Friday remains a key part of the holiday shopping season, and it’s critical for your 2024 Thanksgiving Sales Event. This year, the National Retail Federation (NRF) projects that the average holiday shopper will spend $902 across gifts, food, and other seasonal items—up $25 from last year​. Of this total, $641 is expected to be spent on gifts for family, friends, and coworkers.

Use this data to plan print materials that target Black Friday shoppers. Flyers and posters, created through online printing, can help you promote your offers leading up to the event. Well-designed printed materials, particularly using color printing, can effectively draw attention to time-sensitive discounts and special deals.

Start Your Promotions Early

Another trend for 2024 is that shoppers are starting earlier. The NRF reports that nearly 45% of consumers begin holiday shopping before November​. To take advantage of this, use print marketing ideas to engage your audience ahead of time. Consider mailing out promotional postcards or brochures in October, so customers know about your Sales Event well in advance.

Leverage our online printing services to quickly produce high-quality print materials that highlight your promotions. You’ll ensure your business stays top-of-mind as shoppers prepare for Black Friday and Thanksgiving sales.

Posters: Eye-Catching Displays for Your Sales Event

Posters are perfect for creating a visual impact in high-traffic areas. Whether you’re promoting doorbuster deals or extended holiday hours, large, vibrant posters designed through color printing are ideal for catching people’s attention. With Color Copies USA, you can create durable, high-quality posters at affordable prices.

Flyers: Handouts That Stick with Customers

Flyers are a tried-and-true method of marketing, especially for sales events. Distribute them in-store, at local businesses, or through direct mail to announce your Thanksgiving sales. Color Copies USA can help you print eye-catching flyers in full-color printing to make your promotions stand out. These handouts are great for detailing product highlights or exclusive Black Friday offers. Plus, our fast turnaround time ensures your materials arrive well before your event.

Pop-Up Banners: Instant Visibility for Promotions

Pop-up banners are an essential part of any Thanksgiving Sales Event Print Marketing Ideas toolkit. Pop-up banners are versatile, portable, and effective for in-store advertising. Use them inside or outside your store to showcase special discounts or new product arrivals. Color Copies USA provides durable, high-resolution pop-up banners that are easy to set up and take down. Our discount printing services mean you can create multiple banners without breaking your budget.

Signage: Guide Customers to Your Best Deals

Clear and professional signage is essential for directing customers to key areas in your store during busy sales events. From promoting special offers to guiding shoppers to different sections, signage is crucial for enhancing the customer experience. Color Copies USA offers a wide range of signage options, all printed in vivid color for maximum visibility. Whether you’re using hanging signs, floor decals, or window displays, we’ve got your needs covered.

Why Choose Color Copies USA for Your Print Marketing Needs

Since 2004, we have been a leader in discount printing services, providing high-quality solutions for businesses around the world. Our friendly, knowledgeable team offers everything from color printing of flyers, banners, and signage to event materials for your Thanksgiving Sales Event Print Marketing Ideas. Whether you’re planning a small in-store event or a large holiday promotion, we have the printing solutions to make your event stand out.

With these print marketing ideas, you can effectively promote your 2024 Thanksgiving Sales Event and engage customers both in-store and through direct mail. Trust Color Copies USA to deliver high-quality, affordable printing services to make your event a success.Don’t wait until the last minute! Visit our site today and discover how easy and affordable online printing can be! To get your order started, click here or give us a call at 877-421-0668.

Terrifyingly Creative Halloween Event Promo Ideas

With the holiday season just around the corner, you may be wondering what kind of things you can do to make your Halloween party the best it can be. If you are a retailer, you are racking your brain thinking of ways to attract Halloweens to your Halloween sale or special event. Here are some terrifyingly simple ways you can make your October 31 eerily successful.

Invitation cards

Of course, step one is to let everybody know that there’s a something to be celebrated in the first place. If you’re throwing a party, have a Photoshop savvy friend help you design invitations with any Halloween motifs you like. Then print the invitations out and send them to as many people as you can. The more the merrier.

We also have SPECIAL personalized Halloween card printing available. These cards are printing on thick cover stock and folded and are personalized with your own images and message. Perfect for your special event or business promo mailer.

Party Favors / Logo Promo

Print out an interesting design on a small paper bag and fill it with all of the office supplies that you’ve stolen from your coworkers over the years. Or, more in line with the spirit of this holiday, you can fill them with candy and other goodies. For those who lack a sweet tooth, consider filling these bags with coffee or something else they might like. Your imagination is the limit here. You can also try giving out advertising logo promo / ad specialities like these.


Here’s one for the small business owners out there. The holidays always put people in a good mood, and if you let them know that you’re in on their excitement, they’ll be inclined to pay you a visit. Just let them know you’re celebrating too with a well-designed direct mailer. Don’t forget to print other Halloween themed promotional materials like banners and signs for your storefront. Speaking of which…

With all the ways that you can celebrate the ‘rousing of the spirits’, you may be at a loss as to how to ‘display’ your appreciation for their macabre charm. Here we’ll lay out a few intriguing ideas relating to using banners and signs so that your party will have your guests screaming. If you’re working on Halloween this year, don’t worry. These ideas can be put to use in professional environments as well; feel free to use them as promotional ideas. Anything that gets people in the spirit will help no matter the occasion.


This is the ultimate in celebratory print materials. What better way to commemorate the passing of a season than with your message strung end-to-end across your living room? Of course, this is also a great way to promote your business. Especially if you run a Halloween outlet of some kind, selling costumes and so on, one of these will be a necessity.

So there you have it. There are many more ideas to be explored besides these as you plan for the holidays. In any case, don’t forget to celebrate somehow. Your imagination is the limit, but here are a few more ideas in brief to close things out:

    • Fliers with Halloween-themed promotional materials
    • Themed door hangers

Special menus or drink lists

If you need help preparing for your special Halloween party or event, don’t be scared! Just pick up the phone and rely on the friendly printers who care – Color Copies USA – we’re ready to make your Halloween promotions a success!

Call us at 877-421-0668 to place your order early before the holiday rush begins!


It’s International ‘Update Your Resume’ Month!

You're Hired

Did you know that September is National Update Your Resume Month? And the timing couldn’t be BETTER. The national employment outlook for the fourth quarter of 2019 remains positive at +20%, with the rate of hiring intentions exceeding 2018’s Q4 rate by 1%, according to the ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey. You may want to update your resume!

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to brush up on the new happenings and print black and white copies of your sparkling new resume – one that’s sure to get results IF you follow these helpful tips. Employers are looking for people with your qualities and capabilities! We’re sure your not a resume printing specialist – so that’s why we put this blog together for you – read on!

While there is a huge demand for employees, quite a bit can change over twelve months. Keeping up to date with your credentials can be most useful to you on your job hunt. Make sure you have at least 20 printouts of your resume on high quality paper at all times, just in case.

Even if you aren’t in the process of looking for a new job currently, adding to your skillset in a document is never a bad idea! It keeps you on track so you can visibly see how much you have grown in your area of expertise.

Types of Resumes

You have a few selections here when it comes to choosing what kind of resume works best for your skillset. There are also a number of variables involved in resume printing. Let’s go over each so you can choose the most appropriate to create and print!

  • Chronological Resumes: Probably the most popular type of resume printed, chronological resumes list your work history with the most recent employment listed first. It typically includes an objective so a potential employer can get a look at what you’re aiming to achieve.
  • Functional Resumes: A functional resume casts a primary focus on what your skills and work experience reflect.
  • Combination Resumes: Combination resumes are separated into two sections. One focuses on your skills and achievements and the other focuses on your work history.
  • Targeted Resume: A targeted resume is written to appeal to a specific employer that you want a job with specifically. It is tailored to show your skills for a particular position.

Printing Resume Black and White

Are Resumes Really That Important?

A resume speaks volumes about you. Not only does it set the tone, showing your personality and professionalism, but it is also a snapshot of your value as a potential employee. You can guess according to that information, it is quite important!

According to our history of using resumes, they were used as early as 1482 and by the 1950s they became a requirement. This is for good reason.

They are an easy way for an employer to read over what you have accomplished to decide whether either of you make a good match. If so, they have pinpointed your potential and will then proceed with an interview.

Print Resume Perfection

Once you have your resume in tip-top shape, you will want to print it out professionally on the proper type of paper to make sure it looks as fantastic as you are.

You’ll especially need a printed version of your resume if you are attending a job fair or meeting with the employer in person. Make sure to use resume paper in printing your resume for best results. Resume paper is used specifically for this purpose. Color Copies USA has all the most popular types. The ‘weight’ of your paper is also important, as is the color.

Yes, there are alot of variables involved. White paper vs. cream or ivory? Plain or laid paper? 20 lbs vs. 24 lbs vs. 32lbs resume paper?

Don’t worry, resume printing advice is only a phone call away! To print a professional, attractive resume, there are plenty of online printing services to choose from, but Color Copies USA has been printing resumes online for customers around the USA since the 1970’s! They can create a color-rich, hearty resume that will captivate visually.

This way, not only will you have a digital copy saved for online reference, you will have a neatly printed copy to hand out as well! So call Color Copies USA today and speak to a resume printing advisor – (877) 421-0668…they’ll be glad to help.

September is almost over! National Update Your Resume Month is the best time to update and print  your resume the way you want so you can catch the eye of your dream employer and attain the position you deserve!