This posting is about living in Florida. It is different and might feel disconnected from what we normally do in our business and more so from your business. That’s exactly the intention. We want to share a little bit about what we enjoy in our lovely South Florida, where we can all enjoy all of these natural resources.

Most of the time, when we connect with you, we talk about business, printing, trade shows, signs, and upcoming projects, and we miss the rest of our lives.
Your personal preferences might say that our weather is great, or maybe not so much. But we’ll agree on the fact that outdoor activities are a natural part of our lives, and that we enjoy them a lot!
Most of you are very familiar with our beaches. Mostly clean and warm ocean water, nice sand, and a ton of beaches to choose from.
You might not be as familiar with our backyard on the other end, where the city meets this amazing ecosystem, the Everglades.
How can you visit the Everglades? You can use boats, and there are trails where you can walk or ride your bicycle.
Coming in contact with nature and peace will make you smile, but,…. while you visit, keep an eye on gators!
Here are some pictures that I’ve shot while visiting the Everglades, rich of life. When you know that you have the right picture, we can even make it into a poster or canvas!
What impresses me more about the Everglades, is that it is right here, just a few minutes away from the areas where we work.
A different world is right there for us to enjoy.
I hope that you like the pictures that we’ve shared. We’ve captured every single one of them with our cameras and phones. Maybe you get inspired to visit our amazing area and if you do, please stop by and say Hi!